Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This semester is crazy. I've said it before and I will continue to say it thousands of times this semester.

Yesterday was the busiest day I've had so far. I had 8:00 am class, worked on the Risk Management policy and my announcements for Panhel tonight during my break, had four more classes from 11:00-4:45, went to 5:00 mass, talked to Father about my religion class, ate the quickest dinner ever, ran my first official Panhel Exec meeting, and then went to a meeting for FOCUS student leaders. When all was said and done it was 11:30 pm. Yikes. Monday was a similar sort of hectic, although I had no classes.

Yet, within these two crazy days, I have found myself feeling closer to God than I have in awhile. One of my goals for this year is to "pray without ceasing." Yesterday, Sarah M. sent me this quote (and Sarah W. already blogged about it):
"You say grace before meals. Alright. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing, and grace before I dip the pen in the ink." - G.K. Chesterton
I love this because it speaks to how I am trying to live my life. In order to seek His truth, I must pray before my classes. In order to be mindful, I must say a quick prayer as I'm walking to class. In order to seek His will, I must say grace as I'm journaling and blogging. In order to live out my values, I must say grace before Panhel, before chapter, and before the thousands of meetings I will have this semester. I must say grace without ceasing in order to keep God in the forefront of my heart and mind.

On Monday, I said a quick grace before I got coffee with my friend Lauren. We lived on the same floor freshman year and she is now the Director of Rituals in Delta Gamma.
Lauren has the red hair :)
And let me tell you, we had the BEST CONVERSATION EVER. She is so passionate about Delta Gamma and what we stand for. She truly wants all of our sisters to be bonded together as a group, truly caring for one another. She wants to restructure our chapter meetings, spending most of our time together bonding, and talking about our rich history and ritual. I love it so much. I have so much faith in her and what she will be able to do for our chapter. I can't wait to see the huge baby steps she will be making. She is going to have SUCH a positive influence on our chapter and I cannot wait to see what she does. Praise God for her and for our conversation.

This conversation is just one example of how saying a grace before something simple we do everyday can completely reshape that activity and make it for the good of God's will. So right now, I will say a quick grace before my discipleship meeting with Lori, hoping to continue to shape our relationship and my leadership to His will.

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