Things I want to do.
- Learn to swing dance
Swim with dolphins- Be a CILT counselor
Earn a green camp jacket- Get married
- Read the entire Bible
Be President of an organizationGo on a mission trip- Live in a foreign country for a year
- Teach abroad
- Learn to play the piano again
Conduct a choir- Write 5 letters/notes a day for a week to people I love
- Harry Potter Marathon (watch ALL the movies in one weekend)
- Attend a Mass by the Pope
- Visit Vatican City
- Go to Africa
- Become fluent in Spanish
Start a blog- Get a dog or a cat
- Host a tea party
- Go a week without facebook, twitter, email, or my cell phone
- Take a picture everyday, for a year
- Donate my hair to Locks of Love
Host a Wine Tasting Party- Hike the Grand Canyon
- Throw my parents a big anniversary party
Acquire a nickname (Michi, Shell Shell, Meesch)- Go skiing
- Write a song
Don't charge anything to my parents credit card for a month- Work out 3 days a week for a month
- Memorize the mission statement of Delta Gamma
- Make one friendship bracelet every day for a week
- Live alone
- Learn to make a quilt
Wake up early every day for a week and be productive- Go on an adventure
- Talk in a British Accent for an entire day
Make a "Love Tank" at school- Make somebody's dream come true
- Visit Greece
- Visit 25 states before I turn 25