Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"180 Pages of Light Reading"

1. I thought I was going to hate microeconomics. But my Professor is a precious old(ish) man who was so energetic and excited to talk about econ at 8 am. I don't think I am going to love this class, but I don't think I am going to hate it.

2. I have an hour break after econ. I got most of my econ homework done then. Hopefully I will be productive during this hour!

3. I am taking a class called "The Life and Teachings of Jesus." It was SO GOOD. Seriously. We're going to read through all the gospels twice and talk about the historical Jesus and what he taught. There was some great discussion and debate in class today, and it was only the first day! I get to sit by Sarah M, Jessica M, and Jordan. It was great. I think this class is going to be a great reminder to keep God on my mind and heart always.

4. In my Leadership and Personal Development class, we talked about what values a good leader has. If you haven't figured it out by now, I LOVE VALUES. This class is meant to help us learn our strengths and become better leaders. How awesome is that!? Also, class got out early so I got to eat lunch. Always a bonus.

5. I was able to sit down and hang out with some of the FOCUS missionaries for about 25 minutes. They placed bets on which student they thought they would see first. Ted guessed Seejo, Mike guessed Samantha, and Lauren guessed me. That was the order they saw us in. It was funny that they actually saw the three of us first, and not other students. I think it says we spend too much time in the student center. We also got into a heated debate about Mike's shoes. He thinks they're cool (they're not) and I told him Sperry's qualify as cool shoes. Then he showed me the bottom. They're Sperry's. 

6. I am so fortunate because I get to do research with one of the psychology professors this semester. There are four students in this seminar, and we will be researching compassion. It will be really great because we are essentially asking, "what would a society look like that focuses on and values compassion?" and "is it possible to teach people to be compassionate in our world today?" It's going to be a lot of work and reading, but hopefully our experiment will come together and eventually be published! How cool is that?

7. Randomly seeing Dana (my little sis) in pilates and going to dinner at HubNasty with her.

8. Doing homework (hanging out and joking around with Emily, Jessica A, Autumn, and Carley) in lower liv. I have TONS of reading. I added it up and I have to read 180 pages by Thursday. Woof.

My biggest struggle this semester is going to be time management. I don't want to fill my days simply with business and meetings, because there will be a lot of that. I want to strive to be present, focus on my relationships (with God and with my friends), and to be joyful.

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