Saturday, April 2, 2011

"But I don't have any embarrassing moments!!"

Meet Ted and Mike.
They are FOCUS missionaries at Drake. For approximately two months they have been asking me to invite them over to DG for dinner. On Thursday, our schedules finally matched up during dinner time.

This is what happened:
1. I answered the door. They were matching.
2. We walked inside. They were shocked at how nice our house was. I think they thought I lived in a fraternity house. Or a pile of dirt based on Mike's reaction.
3. We walked downstairs for dinner. Rachel had to go tell the seniors that it was okay and that we didn't invite crazy people over for dinner.
4. We ate a delicious meal at our very own table.
5. I gave them a tour. Big dorm blew their mind.
6. We had a photoshoot:

I think this was the high of their entire Drake career. Later that night we went to Goodson's where they have chalkboard tables. My hypothesis about their visit to DG was high was confirmed when we drew our highs and lows of the day on the table.

On Tuesday, we had our FOCUS student leader's monthly meeting. We drew cards and had to share a story based on the question on that card. Mine was "What is your most embarrassing moment ever!?" Now, I don't really like to dwell on "embarrassing" things that I do/happen to me because I think it's better to just laugh at yourself. I ended up telling a story about Kenevil from camp (if you want to hear it, ask me!) When Mike & Ted left DG, they told me I can no longer say I have no embarrassing moments. 

*Disclaimer: Though we joke, no actual embarrassment occurred during these events*

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic. TRULY made my day!!! :P
