Sunday, January 1, 2012

10 Hopes & Prayers for 2012

Last year I wrote about 10 things I'm looking forward to for the year. That's a little hard since for the first time in my life, I literally have no idea what I will be doing after May 13, 2012. So here are my hopes and prayers for 2012.

1. That my Dad's wound will heal and he will be able to start working again.

2. That Arielle & Joe and Dana & Derek will have blessed wedding days and happy marriages.

3. To be able to see and spend time with all of my family, especially those we haven't made a habit of seeing on a regular basis.

4. To silent myself and listen to Christ's call for me.

5. To figure out what I'm going to be doing with my life after graduation.

6. That Joey will really be able to grasp what his faith means when he is confirmed.

7. That I am able to keep in touch with my close Drake friends after graduation.

8. That I will be able to continue to minister to youth in some way, shape, or form.

9. That I can truly put Christ first in my every day life.

10. To give more to others than I receive.

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