Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#TecumsehTuesday: Highs and Lows

It has become and informal tradition to begin nightly devotions with Highs and Lows. And oh gosh, how I love highs and lows.

I think it's a pretty common thing, but basically you go around the circle and everyone shares their high and low moment from the day. I add the rule that you have to say your low first because we have to end on a positive note. Sometimes, you can throw in a "God Moment" from the week too.

I love highs and lows because it gets kids to open up. They start talking about things that might seem insignificant, they loved pool time and hated all the mosquitos, but it forces them to look back on their day and find moments that stick out to them.

As a counselor, highs and lows gave me a different insight to my kids and the opportunity to see what is really going on. They loved pool time because they were jumping off the high dive for the first time - this shows me that the kid likes adventure and the opportunity to challenge herself. If we really pay attention during highs and lows, we can intentionally help kids experience similar moments throughout the week to enhance their experience and help them avoid the deeper things they don't like.

Highs and lows remind me of the Examen Prayer. We live in a society that is always pushing forward and never stops, so by practicing highs and lows at camp, we are giving kids the tools for self-awareness. And once you really know yourself you can begin to really dive deep into our relationship with Christ.

So today, I am grateful for highs and lows because they gave me the basic skills to really start to know myself. It's a good practice to have in your daily life to know yourself, and to stay connected with your friends.

Here are my highs & lows from yesterday. What were yours?

Low: Not waking up in time to eat/make breakfast

High: Site visit for the New Evangelization Summit with Christine and finishing the Matched Trilogy

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