Friday, October 11, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Exhaustion [3]

This has been a weird week. I haven't caught up on my sleep from my trips to Dallas and Connecticut so I have ben super exhausted. Example: on Tuesday I drove Carol to work and when we arrived at the office we noticed that there was Nutella everywhere.  What!? Why!? SO weird. I mean, I had it on my toast that morning, but not that much! That is pretty much how my week went. This week was just about playing catch up from my travels - I think I'm finally there.

Wednesday night I finally got to see my good friend Dana. She is married, has the cutest baby ever, and lives about an hour and a half from me. Dana was my FOCUS discipler my senior year of college and oh boy do I love her. We skyped for two hours (it barley felt like one!!!) with our good friend Megan from Drake. This night was just what I needed to take my mind off of how busy and tired I was. I am grateful for Dana and her witness to life with Christ. I hope and she I stay friends for a long time.

I am overwhelmed by the positive response from Carol and my post yesterday. We had so much fun writing our responses and are hoping to write together again. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read or skim through our longwinded thoughts. Our intention was to bring Jesus into the picture and to shed some Truth in there as well. I think we did a pretty okay job of that.

This buzzfeed post about tourist defying the government in the midst of the shutdown is hilarious. 

The past five weeks I have been gathering with some great FOCUS friends for dinner, fellowship, and Fr. Robert Barron's, Catholicism. We've finished for now, but I am going to start a campaign for us to keep getting together. I love how intentional friendship can build people up and bring people closer to Jesus. The women in this group have really become my friends and I hope we can keep going.

This morning I am grateful for my friendships here in Colorado, and my two friends who answered their phones so late last night, listened to my heart, and showed me Christ's love in the midst of a struggle.

Speaking of said struggle, when I started blogging again, I said that I wanted to be more vulnerable about where I'm at. Now that my heart and silly little plans have been flipped on their head, it's harder to put into practice. Granted, this all happened at 10pm last night, so I haven't had much time to process where I am at. My goal is to be open about this

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Keep making the extra effort to stay in touch with friends who are supportive of you and your beliefs. These are the people who will truly be there for when when times get tough - I speak from experience!

  2. Friends are a gift of God in our lives. As far as being vulnerable as a blogger, I'm not. Maybe it makes me less interesting to read but I don't know you (generic), therefore I don't trust you with my heart. That's what friends are for. If I get to know you and decide you are trustworthy and won't look down on me, use what I say against me etc then I may let you in. Looking at it another way, would you make yourself vulnerable at a large "mixer" type party? I see blogs as "mixers"; when you get invited to my house for dinner, then we can share secrets.
